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Frozen in Flight Articles Archive:

Check facebook for the latest links to articles and events. This list is not complete.

Found a dead bird?

Can you get it mounted? Rob answers your found bird taxidermy questions here.

"The Bird Factory"

June 2011. Josephine Stone of Quail Bell Magazine meets Robert Olson and tours the Frozen in Flight taxidermy studio.

How To Keep Your Bird In Top Shape for the Taxidermist: proper field care is critical to produce the best mounts

October 29, 2010, November 2010 issue of Wildfowl Magazine Rob discusses field care with reporter David Hart.

"Preserving a prized duck or goose through the services of a professional taxidermist is a great way to relive a special hunt, commemorate a child's first duck or display a rare species that you might never encounter again in your lifetime. But before you take that special bird to a taxidermist, here are a few things you need to know."

Taxidermist seeks to capture a snapshot of life (pdf)

February 19, 2010. Special correspondent, birder, and author Jerry Uhlman features Robert Olson's avian taxidermy in his "flyways and byways" column of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Belle Magazine

February 2010 Richmond. Frozen in Flight bird mounts on the cover of Belle and in the feature "Through the Looking Glass". The mourning doves mounted in a tree can also be seen on the Frozen in Flight Flickr photo site.

Mounts for Nature Centers and Museums:

Frozen in Flight Past Events and Presentations:

Frozen in Flight Open House

Thursday, May 8th, 2014, from 4-7 p.m.

Monticello Bird Club

Rob Olson will be giving a talk at the monthly meeting March 2013. (.pdf newsletter)

Frozen in Flight Open House

Friday, November 6th, 2009, from 6-8 p.m.

Photos of this event are on the Frozen in Flight Flickr pages.

Fall Orvis Days

Getting Your Trophy Bird Mount Starts In The Field

Robert discussed steps and considerations required to yield a quality mount on Sat, Oct 10th, 2009 at Orvis Short Pump, Richmond.

Call 804-38-BIRDS for more information or to book an engagement.

Frozen in Flight Bird Taxidermy is located in Richmond, Virginia. Serving hunters, bird collectors, and museums in Richmond, the Southeast and USA.